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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the tuition 2024-2025 and how do I handle payments?

During the school year, tuition for all 2-day classes is $125.00 per month; 3-day classes is $145.00 per month; 4-day classes is $170.00 per month; and the five day class is $190.00 per month. The total annual tuition payment is divided into 9 monthly payments for your convenience. You may pay online on our website under the payment tab or checks checks can be made payable to the Camp Hill Presbyterian Preschool OR CHPC Preschool. Tuition payments are due the first of each month for the following month. There will be 9 payments made including the payment made during the summer months. Payments received after the 10th of each month will be levied a $20 late fee. Any check that is returned due to Insufficient Funds will be assessed a service charge. Partial scholarships are available.  Please discuss this option with the Preschool director.


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2. How should I dress my child for preschool?

Please dress your child in play clothing that he or she can manage independently. Pants with elastic waistbands are preferred unless your child can manage snaps, belts, and zippers. Girls should not wear body suits and should avoid shoes and sandals with very thick soles or platforms. Super-hero shirts for children are strongly discouraged because they encourage aggressive play. Children seem to manage our polished floors best in sneakers. Heelies are not permitted at the preschool.

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3. Can my child bring toys to school?

Comfort toys such as stuffed animals or blankets are permitted, but please keep other toys and objects at home (with the exception of show and tell). Guns, swords, and knives (actual, pretend or handmade) are not appropriate and will not be used in the classroom or playground area. Each teacher will discuss her way of handling sharing time or show and tell.

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4. Can I send my child if he/she is not feeling well?

If your child has a communicable disease, please let the teachers know. School is not a place for a sick child. If your child has a fever, stomachache, diarrhea, vomiting, a new cold, or is overly tired, please keep your child at home. If your child becomes sick while at school, we will call you to come pick your child up from school.

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5. Will my child have a snack at school?

If you would like to treat your child's class to a snack, please sign up on the teachers snack calendar, usually posted outside the classroom on the bulletin board. Keep the treat simple and nutritious.  Graham crackers, mini muffins, goldfish, pretzels, cheese and crackers, fruit, animal crackers, and cookies made with oatmeal, applesauce, cereal, whole wheat, raisins, etc. all make delicious snacks. Sharing a snack with your child's class is one way to help us keep our tuition and operating costs down. Water is provided daily by the Preschool. Please refrain from sending messy snacks, especially for the younger children.

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6. What are my responsibilities as a parent who has a child enrolled?

Love, support and nurture your children in all that they say and do. - Provide necessary and accurate information on the registration and emergency forms. - Insure that physicians form is complete, accurate and handed in when requested. All immunizations should be up to date and current. - Pay tuition by the first of each month for the following month. - Deliver and pick up your child within times specified. - Always leave your child with an adult - never leave a child alone. - Keep children at home when displaying signs of illness. - Arrange to get your child promptly if he/she becomes ill during school. - Notify the school immediately if the child has a communicable disease (i.e. pink eye, chicken pox, head lice, etc.). - Notify the school when your child will be absent or of any planned changes in attendance. - Attend conferences as requested to discuss child's progress. - Keep current with the happenings in the classroom and school (monthly newsletter, send home flyers, etc.). Check your child's backpack on a daily basis.

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7. Where do I park in order to bring my child into the building?

Park in the church lot or the municipal lot near the fire station. The Camp Hill Police Department has asked us to have no parking on Walnut Street (where indicated). When adults and children are crossing the street in front of the school, visibility is limited by parked cars. Proceed cautiously when in this area. Do no park on 22nd Street in the alley between the church and the fire station or the parking lot and Borough Hall. This street is used for emergency vehicle exit and needs to be kept clear at all times. Drive carefully in and out of the parking lot and in the vicinity of the Preschool. Small children are hard to see and their safety is our utmost concern. Please do not use your cell phones when driving in and around the preschool. We ask that you do not linger at the school in order to free up parking spaces for others. NOTE: On the Walnut Street side of the church parking lot, the two end drives are ENTER and the center is EXIT, please observe these directions when parking.

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8. What is the policy concerning delayed opening/closing in bad weather?

If our school will be closed due to inclement weather, the closing will be announced via our Remind App no later than 7:30 AM.  You will also receive an email from your child's teacher. If the Preschool  announces a TWO hour delay, preschool classes will begin at 10:30 AM or 10:45 am and classes will dismiss at 12:00 or 12:15. ( teachers will inform you of the times) If a delayed opening occurs, there will be NO EARLY DROP-OFF but there will be Lunch Bunch and Wonderful Wednesday. Please note, dismissal time for these programs will still be 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm respectively.

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9. What time does Lunch Bunch end and where do I pick up my child?

Lunch Bunch is held on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs by the preschool office The cost is $12.00/session. Lunch Bunch ends at 1:30 PM. A sign will be posted on the door across from the parking lot to note what room your child will be dismissed.


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10. What programs will be offered ?

The CHPC Preschool will be offering the following programs For the 2024-2025 school year:

First Steps: M/T 9:15-11:!5 and W/Th 9:15-11:!5 Students must be 2 by 12/31/24 $125/month 

Betweeners:   M/T 9:15-11:30 and W/Th 9:15-11:30 Students must be 2.5 by 9/01/24 $125/month 

Next Steps 3s:  M/T/W 9:15 – 11:45 and T/W/Th 9:30 – 12:00 (3 by 9/01/24 and potty-trained)  $145/month 

Great Steps 3/4s: T/W/Th/F 9:15-11:45 (4 by 12/31/24 and potty trained)  $170/month 

Big Steps 4s: M/T/W/Th 9:15 – 11:45 and T/W/Th/F  9:30-12:00 (4 by 9/01/24 and potty trained)  $170/month    

Future Steps 4/5s::  1 section M/T/W/Th/F 9:30– 12:00 (5 by 12/31/24 and potty trained) $190/month


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11. May I advertise my business or event at the preschool?

It is our policy not to endorse or promote any individual’s commercial product or service through our preschool. This policy was established to be fair to all individuals. Our roster is to be used only for personal use and may not be used to solicit any product or service. Individual business information may be displayed near the preschool office with the director’s approval.

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12. What is your discipline policy?

Our school is committed to the well-being of each and every child. In order to provide a safe, loving, and stimulating environment, we expect a certain degree of cooperation from each child and parents as well. Our means of disciplining unacceptable behavior on the part of a child is to separate the child from the rest of the group. This is referred to as a "time out" and is limited to 3-5 minutes in duration. During this time, the child is kept under direct supervision. Under no circumstances will the child be mistreated or mishandled. If "time outs" become a regular routine and appear ineffective in the classroom, a time-out in the Director’s office will be given. If necessary, a parent/teacher conference will be held to discuss the situation. Although discipline problems of children in preschool rarely warrant it, the CHPC Preschool reserves the right to exclude from the program any child whose behavior seriously disrupts the program or is a danger to other children, teachers or him/herself.

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1.  What is the tuition 2024-2025 and how do I handle payments?
2. How should I dress my child for preschool?
3. Can my child bring toys to school?
4. Can I send my chld if he/she is not feeling well?
5. Will my child have a snack at school?
6. What are my responsibilities as a parent who has a child enrolled?
7. Where do I park in order to bring my child into the building?
8. What is the policy concerning delayed opening/closing in bad weather?
9., What time does Lunch Bunch end and where do I pick up my child?
10. What programs will be offered for 2024-2025?
11.  May I advertise my business or event at the preschool?
12. What is your discipline policy?
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