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First Steps

Wednesday & Thursday 9:15-11:15
Lead Teacher - Ms. Donna Dougherty
Assistant Teacher - Mrs. Christina Dobos

February will be a busy month for us. We will complete Assessments and prep for our Art Show! Be on the lookout for a Signup Genius to sign up for Conferences which will be held ON March 13th.


February 5th & 6th
Theme: Shapes/Colors
Books: Shapes are Everywhere, That’s Not My Lion, Llama, Llama Red Pajama
Craft: Lion Shape Craft and Llama’s Quilt

February 12th & 13th (Valentine’s Party 2/13)
Theme: Valentines!
Books: Little Blue Truck’s Valentine and the Day it Rained Hearts
Craft: Valentine’s Day themed crafts
Felt Story: Hearts

February 19th & 20th

Theme: Kindness
Book: K is for Kindness and I Like Myself
Craft: Coloring page and Art Show prep. We will also have a special Puppy Adoption Day! Shhhh
Song: If You Love Me and You Know It

February 26th & 27th

Theme: Teeth and Art Show Craft
Book: Brush, Brush, Brush
Craft: Teeth and Art Show Prep
Song: Tooth brushing song


Spread Kindness Like Confetti,
Ms. Dougherty & Mrs. Dobos


Upcoming Dates:
February 11 th -Valentines Party
February 17 th -CLOSED-President’s Day
March 24 th -Art Show- More Details to come
**Thank you for the peanut butter jars. We have what we need.



101 N 23rd Street Camp Hill, PA 17011

Preschool # 717-761-6003

Church Phone # 717-737-0488 

Church Site

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